<aside> 💫 What to tweet about?

  1. What you’re good at?
  2. What you can teach?
  3. What have you learned that’d be helpful to people
  4. What do you enjoy / like doing?
  5. What market is hungry for? (look around, what is working? what are people craving for? what kind of Questions people asks?)
  6. Most importantly have a specific niche. Refer to this notion doc if you don’t know your niche How to find your niche?


<aside> 💫 Comparison


Good writing Vs Bad writing (or any other thing according to your niche eg : copywriting, designing, coding etc)

Successful Vs Unsuccessful

Successful people do (name few hard things to do consistently) and Unsuccessful people do (something which’ll not leave you successful etc - doomscrolling). Be & Do the first one.

Old way Vs New way

Old ways to achieve something :


New way to achieve something :


End with a punchy line / powerful keytakeaway

<aside> 💫 To get something


To get (something desirable by most) do (hard thing)